Michelangelo Hand

Michelangelo Hand


Thanks to the numerous functions of the Michelangelo Hand, you have seven different hand positions available to you. Whether you’re cooking, turning pages in a book or typing on a keyboard, the Michelangelo Hand helps you integrate such movements into your everyday life, leisure time and work.

Myo Hand

The durable prosthesis gloves, available in six different hues, are constructed in layers. Coloured fibres inside imitate the natural vein structure of the human hand. Ribs are integrated into the shell of the hand to make the movement of the wrist unit and thumb appear natural. For those who wish to show off their modern prosthesis, a translucent and a black prosthesis glove are available as well.


For the product designers and developers, making the appearance and feel of the Michelangelo Hand resemble a natural hand as closely as possible posed a special challenge. The fingers are made of hard and soft materials, thus imitating the natural hand in detail. The flat oval hand adapter enhances the natural appearance – even more than the previously available round wrist units. Matching prosthesis gloves are available in six different hues.


The durable prosthesis gloves, available in six different hues, are constructed in layers. Coloured fibres inside imitate the natural vein structure of the human hand. Ribs are integrated into the shell of the hand to make the movement of the

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